ERIC Comments to HHS on ACA Regulatory Reforms

The ERISA Industry Committee (“ERIC”) is pleased to comment on the request for information by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on June 8, 2017, concerning regulatory actions within HHS jurisdiction that could be taken to reduce the burdens of the ACA

ERIC Sends Sec. Acosta Letter on Updating Delivery Methods for Notices to Beneficiaries

We watched with interest the Administration’s meeting with top technology executives on Monday, June 19, 2017, and now urge the Department of Labor to make a technology change that will improve communications between companies that sponsor health and retirement plans and their beneficiaries, and save money for both the beneficiaries and the companies

Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans Not Subject to State Plan Rule

The ERISA Industry Committee thanks President Trump for protecting employer-sponsored retirement plans by fully repealing the Department of Labor rules that allowed state governments to enact mandatory retirement plans that do not comply with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act

U.S. Senate Protects Employer-Sponsored Retirement Benefits

The ERISA Industry Committee is pleased that the United States Senate has passed a resolution fully repealing the Department of Labor rules that have allowed state governments to enact mandatory retirement plans that do not comply with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act