The ERISA Industry Committee Backs the Reintroduction of the Telehealth Expansion Act

WASHINGTON, March 29, 2023 – Yesterday, The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) sent letters of support to House and Senate leaders who reintroduced the Telehealth Expansion Act, bipartisan, bicameral legislation making permanent first-dollar coverage of telehealth services for employees enrolled in a high deductible health plan (HDHP) coupled with a health savings account (HSA). ERIC supports this legislation as it will reduce barriers to care, increase access to telehealth, and ensure improved choice and competition in health care.
“ERIC member companies offer comprehensive telehealth benefits, but our outdated tax code is a barrier for certain employees to access care,” said James Gelfand, President of ERIC. “Under the CARES Act, employees could receive first-dollar coverage of telehealth, which has led to greater access to care for nearly three years. Policymakers recognize the value of this policy and have extended it twice – employers and employees deserve the certainty of knowing that this successful care delivery option will be available to them for their future health care needs. The time is now to make this policy permanent by enacting the Telehealth Expansion Act.”
To read ERIC’s endorsement letter to the House, click HERE.
To read ERIC’s endorsement letter to the Senate, click HERE.
To read Rep. Michelle Steel’s press release that includes a quote from ERIC, click HERE.


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About The ERISA Industry Committee
ERIC is a national advocacy organization that exclusively represents large employers that provide health, retirement, paid leave, and other benefits to their nationwide workforces. With member companies that are leaders in every sector of the economy, ERIC advocates on the federal, state, and local levels for policies that promote flexibility and uniformity in the administration of their employee benefit plans.