A Year-In-Review: ERIC Secures Wave of Telehealth Wins in States Across the Country

ERIC took full advantage of the increased interest in telehealth during the pandemic to make sweeping changes to state policies across the country as well as continue our push for more coordinated telehealth policies at the federal level. Through our active advocacy efforts, ERIC shaped a wave of state policies that broadly expand access to telehealth services while avoiding language that could limit patient flexibility and cost savings.
ERIC helped secure the widespread adoption of interstate compacts expanding access to critical telehealth service providers for millions of Americans: In 2021 alone, 12 states signed onto the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, nine states signed onto the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Compact, and five states signed onto the Interstate Medical Licensure Commission Compact.
Working with state lawmakers and allies, ERIC also removed language limiting the use of online telehealth platforms from legislation in California, expanded the definition of a “professional relationship” to ease telehealth access in Arkansas, defeated problematic payment parity language in Oregon, and gave momentum to legislation aimed at removing telehealth barriers in Oklahoma.