Code Section 139 Benefits During COVID-19

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)

This is a member-only webinar.*

As employers are navigating the current pandemic crisis, they are looking for tools to assist their businesses and their employees. Code section 139 may offer some assistance to employers. Under this Code section, employers may reimburse employees for disaster-related expenses on a tax-free basis. These qualified disaster payments are allowed for health-related expenses, increased utility expenses, childcare closures, and other expenses not covered by insurance.

Please join us for a conversation lead by David Rogers and Ruth Wimer of Winston and Strawn to discuss the benefits of Code Section 139 during the coronavirus pandemic.

To register for the webinar, click on the "Register Now" link at the top of this page (you will need your username and password to register).

*If you are not a member and would like to participate in the call, please contact ERIC at 202-789-1400 or e-mail: .

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