ERIC 2018 Fall Policy Conference

Wednesday, October 17 (12pm) - Thursday, October 18, 2018 (3pm US/Eastern)

Online registration is not available at this time.

Meeting Location
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
8th Floor Rotunda
Washington, DC 20004

Mark your calendar now for ERIC’s Fall 2018 Policy Conference in Washington, DC.

This conference features a robust agenda, affording you the opportunity to hear directly from other key Washington policymakers, network with your peers, and learn about the latest employee-benefit developments. Panel topics include:

Emergency Savings Accounts
A review of recent legislation to promote emergency savings accounts sponsored by employers as well as a discussion on how to incorporate these accounts with retirement savings vehicles. The panel will discuss the best approach to assist employees in building emergency savings and needed legislative and regulatory changes.

What’s New in Telehealth?
Telehealth has become a treatment source for more than just minor illnesses. This panel will explore the many ways telehealth is changing the landscape of treatment for a range of health care issues, from behavioral health to rare diseases, as well as the federal and state legislative and regulatory challenges that affect how large employers offer this benefit.

401(k) Fee & Fund Trends
Recently, ERIC has proposed new legislation to combat frivolous 401(k) fund & fee litigation, arguing that the frivolous class action suits are harming retirement savings in America. The panel will discuss the impact of litigation on changes in fund selection and explore how the lack of innovation is harming retirement security.

Navigating Employer Challenges in Mental Health
Congress continues to hone in on mental health as a priority issue, and the regulatory agencies are picking up the pace. This panel will review challenges and opportunities in the mental health space, including ideas for employers to play offense in Washington, DC.

Balance the Budget Activity
An interactive activity, led by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, where ERIC members will attempt to balance the federal budget, selecting priorities including health care, defense, Social Security, taxes, and other domestic spending. This activity will provide first-hand experience on how choices impact the national debt.

Election Impact on Employee Benefits Policymaking
What does it mean to federal employee benefits public policy if Democrats win control in November of the U.S. House and/or Senate? Political and policy experts share their experience and prognostications.

Blockchain, AI, Cyber, Crypto, and the Future of Technology – What are the Basics and Why You Need to Know Them
When we hear the term “blockchain” we tend to think of cryptocurrency or other financial transactions. Likewise, the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) stirs the notion of a machine-led world. Recently, both of these technologies and others have made their way into the employee benefits arena. This panel will focus on the basics of blockchain, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies and why ERIC members need to know about them.

The Intersection of Benefits and Technology
Now that we have a general understanding of the new technologies, let’s explore how they will be utilized to improve upon employee benefit programs. The panel will explore how new technology will enhance retirement, financial wellness and health care programs at large employers.

Public Policy Implications of Increased Advanced Technology
With any new technology, it is important to determine what laws and regulations need to be changed to ensure the technology can be utilized in an effective manner. This panel will review current laws and regulations that need to be updated to reflect the increasing use of blockchain and artificial intelligence and explore the issues specific to employee benefits and what it means to employers and plan participants.

For more information about the meeting, please click here.

Note: ERIC is going paperless for our conference. In this era of reducing paper consumption and the increasingly online mobile universe, we are not planning to provide printed handouts for our policy conference. ERIC will release an app to members in the weeks before the conference.

Please also feel free to contact us directly for more information or to be added to our mailing list.

Meeting Attire:

Business Casual