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ERIC Updates


<nobr>Mar 3, 2006</nobr>

Senate Pension Conferees Named

Following a Republican-Democratic tussle over whether there should be a two or three vote margin between the number of Republicans and Democrats to be appointed, the Senate Majority Leader this afternoon appointed the following conferees from the Senate for the upcoming conference on the pension reform bills, H.R.2830 and S.1783. We can expect House conferees to be appointed the first of next week. (The House is not in session today.)

The Senate Conferees will include 9 Republicans and 7 Democrats as follows:
Chuck Grassley (IA)
Orrin Hatch (UT)
Trent Lott (MS)
Olympia Snowe (ME)
Rick Santorum (PA)
Mike Enzi (WY)
Judd Gregg (NH)
Mike DeWine (OH)
Johnny Isakson (GA)
Max Baucus (MT)
Jay Rockefeller (WV)
Kent Conrad (ND)
Jeff Bingaman (NM)
Ted Kennedy (MA)
Tom Harkin (IA)
Barbara Mikulsli (MD)

For more information, contact:
Janice Gregory, Senior Vice President

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