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<nobr>Jun 8, 2005</nobr>

ERIC Supports Advance of Electronic Health Information Before National Committee on Vital Health Statistics

Washington, D.C. June 8, 2005 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) today strongly supported efforts to increase adoption of electronic health information technologies (Health IT) before the National Committee on Vital Health Statistics (NCVHS). The committee is the statutory public advisory body on health data, statistics, and national health information policy for the Department of Health and Human Services. ERIC’s members are on the cutting edge of Health IT and have been using electronic health records and other technologically advanced health care cost-reducing measures for years. ERIC presented major employers’ views before members of the NCVHS Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality.

“The widespread adoption of electronic medical records will be a boon for the U.S. health care system, increasing efficiency and accuracy while decreasing paperwork and aggravation,” stated Edwina Rogers, ERIC’s vice president for health policy.

ERIC believes the cost-savings and increased patient safety that would come from Health IT programs are well worth the effort, but any related legislation must both protect employees’ privacy and protect employers from liability. ERIC seeks uniform standards of security and privacy, and has urged the federal government to implement policies that promote Health IT without burdening employers with new legal hurdles and compliance uncertainty problems.

“The current state of laws governing both medical data and benefit plans make for a great burden on companies who voluntarily provide medical coverage for their employees,” Rogers said. “One company may be subject to different laws among the states and may be unclear about which of those state laws are preempted by federal laws, and may be unsure what standards for privacy and security they must adhere to.”

The NCVHS Subcommittee on Privacy and Confidentiality currently is gathering information about the privacy aspects of electronic health records from various parts of the health care industry.

For additional information contact:

Brendan LaCivita, Director, Communications


The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) is a non-profit association committed to the advancement of employee retirement, health, and welfare benefit plans of America's largest employers and represents exclusively the employee benefits interests of major employers. ERIC's members provide comprehensive retirement, health care coverage and other economic security benefits directly to some 25 million active and retired workers and their families. ERIC has a strong interest in proposals affecting its members' ability to deliver those benefits, their cost and their effectiveness, as well as the role of those benefits in the American economy.

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