ERIC memorandum template


<nobr>Nov 6, 2003</nobr>

ERIC Letter to Congress Urging Removal of Sanders/Harkin Amendments from Treasury/Transportation Apps. Bill

The ERISA Industry Committee sent the following letter to Sen. Richard Shelby and Rep. Ernest Istook (chairmen of the House and Senate Transportation - Treasury appropriations subcommittees) urging deletion of the Sanders and Harkin amendments from the conference agreement on the Transportation/Treasury appropriations bill (H.R. 2989).

On September 9, Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) attached an amendment that would prohibit the Treasury Department from taking any action to overturn the Cooper v. IBM decision. The amendment was approved 258-160. On October 23, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) attached an amendment to the Senate version of the same bill that would prohibit any funds being used to complete action on the IRS's proposed age discrimination regulations affecting hybrid and other pension plans.

Text Files:

November 5 Appropriations Letter

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